

We want you to love your purchase & order more from us very much. But if for some reason, you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us immediately (reply on the order confirmation or send a message through the contact form) for a Return authorization. You will receive a return form and return instructions. Any package received without a Return Authorization code on the front of the package will be refused and sent back to you. Shipping cost for returns will be paid by the customer, unless other agreements are made, for example whem we made a mistake with your order.

Note: Books, magazines and special orders are non-refundable. We also don't accept products that you have left after you finished your creative project.

We are happy to accept returns for *refunds or exchanges as long as the following guidelines are followed:

- merchandise is received in its original condition
- a copy of the completely filled return form is included in the package
- returns are shipped within 10 days of receiving the return authorization
- All returns must be packaged in the same manner they were originally shipped.

As soon as we receive the return package, we will sent you a new product or we will return your money, depending on the agreements that are made.

Please note: The above return & exchange policy refers to items purchased on & via mailorder.